Sunday, June 21, 2009

Self Pity

Almost 2 years ago, we started Austin City Life in the kitchen of our home in Austin, TX. That first night, we had 8 people. Six of those were Dodsons - yeah, creepy, right!?! Thank goodness for Richard Tinsley and Amy Scott...without those two we would definitely have seemed like a cult! That night, what we had decided to embark on seemed so daunting and so impossible. I remember thinking as I cooked the meal for us that if we counted feet instead of heads, we'd double in size. So, that first night - we had 16. 16 feet.

Since that night, by the grace of the Lord, we have continued to increase in number. So much so, we've outgrown our kitchen, then our living room, then the Austin Bapstist Association offices, then the Hideout Coffee shop. We have now occupied the Parish Room on 6th street. Wow, who'd of thought!

So many neat things have happened since that first summer...I wish those neat things were in the forefront of my mind. There truly have been too many to count. Instead, I am spending a great deal of my time thinking about the hardships of these past two years. Just as the blessings have been numerous, so too have the heartaches. In two years' time, I've experienced heartache, betrayal, isolation, loneliness, helplessness, strife, fear, anger, confusion...I'll stop there. These days of church planting truly have been lined with pain. Some of the pain has come about innocently, some has come about as a result of my own sin and imperfections, and some has come about from other people...the really painful times have come from a combo of my own sin and from the people I have trusted most.

Sometime during these past two years, as friendships have changed or disappeared, as my life has taken on a new form that overwhelms me, and as my children continue to demand love that I don't fully know I have - I would LOVE to tell you that I have fallen into the arms of my Saviour. I would LOVE to impress you with the ways I've found comfort from the God of All Comfort, whose yoke is easy and whose burden is light. Unfortunately, I can't.

Somehow, I decided instead to find a new best friend....embarrassingly, that best friend's name is Self Pity. In my loneliness, anger, fear, frustration, and fatique, Self-Pity has been there for me every step of the way. I have been reminded from this "friend" of how much better life should be. How much happier I should be. How much more I deserve for all my labors.

Today we observed communion with our church. Jonathan asks me to sit with him on the front row, so I'm able to watch the whole thing. My head is bowed down, though, such that all I can see are feet. I see no one's head, only their feet. Today, I lost count at 200 feet. That's 184 more feet than we had that first night. That's 184 new feet who are now able to carry the good news of Jesus Christ to their city, their coworkers, their families. That's 92 people whose feet may not be carrying any good news if it weren't for this church.

So, I have to ask myself...who is to be pitied? What do I have to be pitied for? With the love and direction of my husband, I have been given the amazing privilege of witnessing strangers find the peace of Christ. These strangers become friends as they also become brothers and sisters in the faith. Family. I know that it will continue to be a family that bruises and hurts...but am confident that we will also become a family that loves and heals. No pity needed. Just Grace for our weary feet.

Will you pray for me as I ask the Lord to renew my eyes and my heart?


  1. No way! My BFF is self-pity!
    In all seriousness though - I have really enjoyed our recent run-ins and look forward to reading about your crazy life. And be encouraged that you are not the only pastor's wife out there . . :)


  2. Robie, thanks so much for posting this! We're in our third week of preview services and just experienced a gathering of 6 people--4 were our leadership/worship team and 2 were guests. At a time when we could have been disappointed or discouraged, God moved in our hearts and allowed us a time to be relaxed and enjoy the fellowship of others. It was a great time for us and a day that I am sure we will reflect upon two years from now. However, at times things like this can be disappointing and discouraging.

    Thanks for pushing through everything and getting to a place where you can look back two years ago and see the process in hindsight and know what you would have given up on had you thrown in the towel early. I have followed your husband Jonathan's blog for awhile and it has been a great resource and encouragement to me as I plant a church here in Sacramento, CA.

    May the grace and love of Christ fill your heart as you continue to labor for the sake of the gospel. You are doing a great work and are a great example for us just now starting new ministries. Thanks for your openness in sharing your experience!

  3. My husband just forwarded me your blog. We're 2 years into a churchplant in Memphis. I can totally relate to self-pity. I've had similar experiences to you in regards to the heartache. Some of most difficult ministry experiences of my life have been in recent months. But I, too, can see His hand when I count the feet at communion. Look forward to getting to know you!

  4. Thank you. Thank you for taking the time to share your heart and experiences. My husband and I just received credentials this month and decided to take the jump. We met with a senior church planter in our district this evening who we're going to intern under for about a year before helping him plant another church.

    After all of the joy and excitement washed over me, fear and self-pity took their turn and I was already afraid of failure before we begun. On a whim, I google "pastor's wife church plant" to see if I'm not the only one struggling with all fo these emotions and your page was the first on the list.

    Your words have encouraged me and I look forward to following your crazy life as a fellow Pastor's wife. God Bless!
